Exercise 4 - Push Button Controlled LED

In this exercise we will learn how to use STEMTera™ Breadboard to read the input from a push button and translate the input to a toggling state that can be used to control an LED.

Schematic Title
STEMTera™ Breadboard - Exercise 4 - Push Button Controlled LED Schematic Diagram
Part Title
  1. Connect the anode (longer) pin of the RED LED to 38G and cathode (shorter) pin to 39G.
  2. Connect the push button switch to 32F, 34F, 32E and 34E.
  3. Connect the 330Ω resistor to PIN2 and 38J.
  4. Connect a jumper wire to GND and 39I.
  5. Connect a jumper wire to GND and 32J.
  6. Connect a jumper wire to PIN6 and 34J.
Breadboard Title
STEMTera™ Breadboard - Exercise 4 - Push Button Controlled LED Inkscape Breadboard Diagram