Exercise 6 - Potentiometer

In this exercise, we will learn how to use a potentiometer. A potentiometer is variable resistor that comes in a few different sizes and shapes. The most common shape is a three terminal round knob. The resistance of the potentiometer will change when the knob is turned. In the schematic below, one terminal of the potentiometer is connected to 5V and the other is connected to GND. This creates a potential difference in the middle terminal and forms a voltage divider circuit.

Schematic Title
STEMTera™ Breadboard - Excercise 6 - Potentiometer Schematic Diagram
Part Title
  1. Connect the terminal 1,2 and 3 of the potentiometer to 34C, 35C and 36C respectively.
  2. Connect a jumper wire to 5V and 34A.
  3. Connect a jumper wire to A0 and 35A.
  4. Connect a jumper wire to GND and 36A.
Breadboard Title
STEMTera™ Breadboard - Excercise 6 - Potentiometer Inkscape Breadboard Diagram