Exercise 3 - Knight Rider LED

STEMTera™ Breadboard - Kinght Rider LED

The Knight Rider LED is inspired by the advanced artificial intelligent self-aware car from the 80’s Knight Rider TV series. The car was a customized 1982 Pontiac Trans-Am easily identified by its light scanning from left to right. This exercise is to simulate the scanner light using LEDs.

Schematic Title
STEMTera™ Breadboard - Exercise 3 - Kinght Rider LED Schematic Diagram
Part Title
  1. Connect a JUMPER WIRE to GND and 31J.
  2. Connect a JUMPER WIRE to 31G and 33G.
  3. Connect a JUMPER WIRE to 33H and 35H.
  4. Connect a JUMPER WIRE to 35G and 37G.
  5. Connect a JUMPER WIRE to 37H and 39H.
  6. Connect a 330Ω RESISTOR to PIN2 and 40J.
  7. Connect a 330Ω RESISTOR to PIN3 and 38J.
  8. Connect a 330Ω RESISTOR to PIN4 and 36J.
  9. Connect a 330Ω RESISTOR to PIN5 and 34J.
  10. Connect a 330Ω RESISTOR to PIN6 and 32J.
  11. Connect the anode (longer) pin of a RED LED to 40F and cathode (shorter) pin to 39F.
  12. Connect the anode (longer) pin of a RED LED to 38F and cathode (shorter) pin to 37F.
  13. Connect the anode (longer) pin of a RED LED to 36F and cathode (shorter) pin to 35F.
  14. Connect the anode (longer) pin of a RED LED to 34F and cathode (shorter) pin to 33F.
  15. Connect the anode (longer) pin of a RED LED to 32F and cathode (shorter) pin to 31F.
Breadboard Title
STEMTera™ Breadboard - Exercise 3 - Kinght Rider LED Inkscape Breadboard Diagram